Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Artichoke Its Medicinal Benefits-3

Artichoke Properties And Benefits

Continue with other benefits of the artichoke

* Depurative : Helps to eliminate toxins and adherences in the intestines and blood, sinceas it is rich in phytosterols, a substance that helps restrict the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and thus prevent its accumulation in the body.

* Atherosclerosis : helps to prevent atherosclerosis and possible heart disease

* Diabetics: contains Inulin, a hormone similar to insulin, which helps keep blood glucose levels stable. This property makes it a highly recommended food for diabetics since decreases in blood sugar level. For this, we can take a small glass of artichoke tea a day or take capsules.

* Arthritis and Gout: helps to eliminate fluid and toxins with them and the uric acid,so it is recommended for people suffering from circulatory diseases, gout, arthritis.

* Cholesterol: helps provide the necessary acid to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood, lowering blood pressure and preventing arteriosclerosis.

* Dry eyes : its external use strengthens the eyes and reduces dryness.

* Restorative.

Artichoke varieties:
* Blanca de Tudela. It bracts ( scales or stalks ) green section ( bracts set ) ovoid , early.

* Violeta de Provence. Bracts purplish , highly developed section. In Spain this variety is grown for export to France.

* Violet Palermo, thick Roman, precocious from Catania are Italian varieties .

* Camus Brittany Hierois Blanca, are French .

In Spain the most cultivated variety, almost unique in to domestic market, is the Blanca de Tudela, section oval , rather small, compact and green,moreover, it is very precocious, it is able to be produced throughout the fall and winter, when the artichoke is marketed fresh for domestic market or export, even in spring when given the largest crop (the only in cold areas ), which is intended mainly to the industrialization.

The varieties differ mainly in the shape (spherical or oval ), size and color (green or purple) section and precocious ( short-day varieties, they need to have passed a winter period before issuing the sections or long day capable of producing in autumn). Commercially is intended to cultivation in fresh and preserved and needs very little freezing.

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