Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bananas Properties And Benefits-2

Banana Properties And Benefits

According to several studies, it is considered that the banana helps in the fight against high blood pressure so it is included in a diet aimed to reducing the dreaded hypertension.

This is due to magnesium and potassium that supplies and help to regulate the blood pressure.

Bananas are widely used in diarrhea cases to restore the amount of potassium lost with fluids that leaving of the body avoiding dehydration, one of the most serious dangers that occurs in this condition.

Bananas are one of the best selling fruit because it is recognized for its nutrition and energy sources. Often, athletes and sportsmen eat bananas before and during their activities. This is because the alternating energy that provided by the banana helps to give the strength necessary for success.

Bananas are an ideal way to achieve a healthy diet fruit. This helps increase the allowable amount of plant food in the diet because they do not need to be cooked, a process during which important nutrients can be lost. Since we can have the fruit in its natural state and does not need sugar, sauces, salt, or fat  to highlight its delicious taste.

Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and contains little fat. Helps to provide essential vitamins such as vitamin C, B6, B1, B2. It also contains large amounts of potassium and magnesium. Sodium levels are low.

The banana is a fruit that can be consumed throughout all the year. However, it is important to note, upon purchase , if  its skin has a greenish yellow color, with small brown spots, because these features suggests that the fruit is really healthy.

Bananas should not be stored in the refrigerator before they ripen, since this will  altering its taste and texture. It is best to leave them at room temperature and once they are ripe, store them in the vegetable drawer.

Is not recommended excessive consumption for person  with a dietary regime, since it can make gain weight.

Do not eat the banana peel or skin as it can cause serious indigestion on sensitive stomachs.

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