Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bananas Properties And Benefits-1

Banana Benefits

Features and nutritional properties

Shape: oblong , elongated and slightly curved.

Size: can weigh between 80 and 200 grams each unit.

Color: Depending on the variety may have reddish yellow yellow-green , or yellow.

Taste: sweet and fragrant.

It is rich in carbohydrates, whereby  its caloric value is reasonable. Provides potassium, magnesium, vitamin B9 (folic acid), astringent substances and fibers.

This fruit, suitable from early months until the older adult, it is usually perceived as very " fattening " and this is a big misconception because  if we take by cconsumption size  an apple rare weighs less than 150 grams, whereas a medium banana, its edible part ranges around 100 grams and both provide a similar caloric value.

Its rich in potassium ranks it as the fruit of choice for athletes, ideal for everyone active. Its astringent action is due to the presence of tannins, so it is widely used in cases of diarrhea.

Within the fibers are noted particularly a type called fructo - oligosaccharides, that when fermenting certain substances ( butyric acid and propionic acid ) that have a protective effect in colon cancer, regulating intestinal transit and inhibiting the growth of cells tumor.

The banana stimulates the formation of endorphins ( stimulants of good mood  ). For all these virtues is a nutritional fruit suitable for all ages, for people with hypertension, diabetes and even in  low calorie plans, especially selecting those with a very firm texture, freshly mature, whose carbohydrate content  is lower.

Nutritional information
Serving size: 1 medium banana , peeled (100g )
Contribute :
· Calories: 89

· Water : 74.9 g

· Total Carbohydrates: 22.8 g

· Total Sugars: 12.2 g

· Sucrose 2.39 g

· Glucose: 4.9 g

· Fructose: 4.8 g

· Fiber: 2.6 g

· Protein: 1 g

· Fat: 0.3 g

· Cholesterol: 0 g

· Sodium: 1 mg

· Potassium: 358 mg

· Magnesium: 27 mg

· Vitamin C: 9 mg

· Vitamin B9 : 20 mcg

· Beta-carotene : 26 mcg

· Lutein + Zeaxanthin : 22 mcg

· Phytosterols : 16 mg .

All this contributes to the banana stand out as a healing fruit  within the stabilizer process of numerous health disorders.

Fights fatigue or tiredness because the banana contains a lot of potassium, ideal to restore people energy that feeling  tired or exhausted.

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