Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Saffron Its Properties And Beneficial Uses-3

Saffron Properties And Benefits

It has been described that Saffron favors lipid assimilation. Crocetin, saffron carotenoid component, increases the diffusion of oxygen in the blood plasma, so that it has had an effect against atherosclerosis and the reducing of cholesterol levels in blood.

It has been shown that Saffron may have a beneficial effect against cardiovascular diseases.

Also currently used for its sedative and spasmodic effect, in limited doses, calm stomach pains and cramping and is present in pharmacies as alcoholic tincture, where opium and saffron are the base ingredients of laudanum.

The tincture is used externally as a mouthwash to rub the gums, as an analgesic during the birth of the teeth in children and for internal use in cases of asthenia, dyspepsia, flatulence, amenorrhea, gingivitis, hyperlipidemia .

Its healing powers were applicable to cases of anemia, headache and insomnia and scope of saffron in the treatment of eye diseases  and cutaneous as a poultice.

How to use it
* Infusion . 2 g of Saffron boiled in a liter of water. Two cups of this tea daily to improve digestion.

* Powder. Carefully and without passing the dose indicated by the doctor. It is used as a carminative, to stimulate the appetizer, and to accelerate the

* Tincture. Directly rubbed on the gums to relieve pains.

Risk of overdose
It may be toxic in large doses, so it is important to consult a specialist before use it. In large doses it can cause uterine contractions and can cause pontaneous abortions and endanger the mother herself.

Saffron poisoning is evidenced by a classic picture of intoxication: diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, severe abdominal cramps, bleeding in urine. In case you suffer from these symptoms is mandatory to go to the doctor.

In high doses can even cause death, depending on the study, it says that 10 to 20 grams could cause it.

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