Friday, January 17, 2014

Boldo Its Common Uses And Practical Benefits-1

Boldo Properties And Benefits

Scientific name : Peumus boldus.
Family: Nonomiaceas.
Genre: Peumus.
Species: boldus.

Active Components
Containing 2% of essential oil with ascaridol, eucalyptol and cymene, 0.3 % of a glycoside glucine boldo, 0.1 % of an alkaloid boldine, also contains tannins, gums, resins, citric acid, etc.

Main Action:
stimulates digestion, protects the liver, detoxifies the liver, stimulates bile, supports to the gallbladder, clean blood, expels worms, kills parasites, increases
urination, supports to the heart, gas reduces.

However, despite Boldo preparations are beneficial for good liver function, do not abuse its ingestion or taking it without prescription or medical supervision.

It is convenient that Boldo treatment does not exceed more than four weeks and the recommended dose, as there have been cases of poisoning.

Its active ingredient is the Boldine,its smell is penetrating and pleasant. The Boldo active the bile secretion and is used against colic and jaundice. It is also stimulating and useful to combat persistent insomnia.

Common uses
* Gallstones: Boil 15 grams of  Boldo leaves in a liter of water for 2 minutes. Filter  and drink two cups a day.

* Cholecystitis: Boil 15 grams of  Boldo leaves in a liter of water for 2 minutes. Filter and drink two cups a day.

* Stomach Disorders: Infusion of  Boldo leaves. Take it warm, preferably after meals.

* Rheumatic Pain: Use a poultice from decoction  of leaves in a small amount of water and then apply on the affected area, affirmed with a clean cloth.

* Hepatitis: Infusion 2% of Boldo leaves. Take two cups a day after meals.

* Biliary lithiasis: Boil 15 grams of Boldo leaves in a liter of water for 2 minutes. Filter and drink two cups a day.

* Neuralgia: Use poultice from decoction of leaves in a small amount of water and then apply on the affected area, affirmed with a clean cloth.

* Nervous Sedative: Infusion of Boldo leaves. Take warm, preferably after meals.

Other important tips

Internal use: Stomach, excites the appetite, carminative, against migraines, headaches, rheumatism, comforting nerves.

External use: In cases of chronic runny nose (in powder ) against earache, sap of stems.

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