Friday, January 17, 2014

Boldo Its Common Uses And Practical Benefits-2

Boldo Properties And Benefits

This is the most common form of use. Prepare some Boldo leaves on which boiling water is added. Take warm, preferably after meals. This form serves as a stimulant, digestive and nervous sedative.

Boil leaves in a small amount of water and then applied to the painful area, affirmed with a clean cloth. This relieves neuralgia and rheumatic pains.

Boil a large handful of leaves in a pot with two or three liters of water. Then strain and add this liquid to the bath. Bathing for half hour at 35 ° C. You can add a cup of sea salt and a baking tablespoon. This is applies to rheumatic pains.

Wine: Crush 90g of Boldo well and pour into a glass container which are added 60g of grape alcohol and one liter of white wine generous. Leave it to macerate for ten days and filter. Take five cups daily.

Crush fresh leaves in a cloth, then extract the juice by twisting. Pour some of this extract on affected ears.

Apply them in the face and head to combat migraines. Place boiled leaves, wrapping the affected tooth, to relieve toothaches.

Precautions for use:
Moderate use. It has abortifacient effects and blood-thinning that can cause birth defects.

* Do not exceed recommended dosages.

* Do not consume more than 4 cups a day, since high doses act as sleeping pill and anesthetic on the central nervous system. These effects occur only at high doses. Although there is no conclusive evidence that it can affect the fetus, as a precaution, pregnant women should avoid ingestion.

* Boldo consumption in its different forms is contraindicated in case of obstruction of the bile ducts and severe liver disease, since in these cases it is advisable the digestive resting. By the presence of alkaloids, should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation and childhood .

* Do not abuse its intake or take it without prescription or medical supervision.

Although Boldo preparations are beneficial for good liver function, stimulating bile secretion mainly determining its fluidization, not abuse its ingestion or taking it without prescription or medical supervision.

The essence from 0.3 grams can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Higher doses can cause a narcotic or convulsant effect. It is important to use as discontinuous cures.

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