Friday, January 17, 2014

Barley Benefits And Uses

Barley Benefits

The barley is an ancient grain that was domesticated about 10,000 years ago. It is the fourth most important cereal crop in the world after corn, wheat and rice.

In Spain is the crop with highest number of hectares planted.Recent works on health and nutrition have shown that barley has great qualities to human health so lately have increased the studies for this third utility.

As a result, in the U.S. and Canada are being used fairly for this purpose.

Composition of barley grain
Complete barley grains have little fat (2-3% ), complex carbohydrates to obtain energy as starch ( 65-68 % ), a good protein balance to meet human  requirements of amino acids ( 10-17% ), in addition to minerals, vitamins, especially vitamin E, or antioxidants, polyphenols principally, and soluble and insoluble fiber. Total fiber ranges from 11-34 % and  soluble fiber between 3-20 % .

The beta -glucan has been identified as the main component of the soluble fiber barley grain, and constituted 75%  of the cell wall. Its molecular structure is responsible for its solubility in water and contributes to its beneficial role in human health.

It is widely known that the high level of serum cholesterol is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which has become one of the most important chronic diseases that cause a lot of deaths each year.

It is believed that the cholesterol -reducing effect produced by the barley is because of viscosity caused by the presence of beta - glucan , in the intestine, that inhibit the absorption of lipids and cholesterol.

It is also believed that the beta-glucans alter the metabolism of bile acids in the intestine by joining to them, causing their excretion and  lowering cholesterol.

Direct benefits
Barley contains insoluble fiber that helps to promote the regularity in the digestive tract and can also helps increase satiety with what is useful for weight control and to improve gut health.

Fiber to the diet.
The most valuable component is beta- glucan for its health benefits. But the advantages of barley is that both types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, are present and there are in the whole barley grain and not only covers the grain.

Although the outer layers are removed as ocurred in the barley, in the flakes or barley flour, the fiber content remains high.

It is recommended:
• Cellular aging and  premature wrinkling thanks to its content in SOD enzymes , peroxidases and catalase, vitamins and minerals and proteins that act to promote both good cell state of internal organs such as the skin.

* Takes care of the bones and teeth, preventing tooth decay because it is rich in fluorine.

• Hipercolesterinemias because it contains essential fatty acids and chlorophyll.

• Cirrhosis and hepatic steatosis by its choline content; a substance which opposes to the fat deposits in the liver, and essential fatty acids.

* Excellent for people that suffering from stress or tension, generally protects the nervous system.

* Recommended for fatigue and people with very low pressure, is not recommended to consume constantly in hypertension cases.

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