Friday, January 17, 2014

White Onion Its Magnificent Benefits

Health Benefits Of White Onions

Is the family Liliaceae or Amarillydaceae whose scientific name is Allium cepa. Has tubular or cylindrical, elongated sheets that together are joining on a base which is name is bulb that is the main edible part.

These leaves come from the top of the stem. The tendency to possess elongated leaves remain vertically upright makes it in a excellent sunrays picker  but inefficient against weeds because does not create shadow on the ground.

* Thiopropionic acid.

* Quercetin: Special in hair treatment when this present weakness.

* Alliin, very similar to the amount contained in garlic.

* Amino acids: glutamic, glycine, arginine, lysine acid.

* Minerals: Mainly  magnesium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus,calcium, and in lesser amounts: copper zinc selenium iron and manganese.

* Vitamins : Vitamin E, Vitamin C , folic acid.

* Diseases of the nervous system:
For its significant content of vitamin B, potassium which is necessary for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses and magnesium related with the functioning of the nervous and muscular system.

* It has a high water content and allyl sulfide , recommended in treatment of edema and ascites.

* In acidic and / or toxic diets is in onion an excellent debugger, due to its ability to eliminate parasitic fungi that cause intestinal infections.

* Helps the body to cleanse accumulated debris through the liver with its detoxifying function.

* Antiasthmatic and antiinflammatory, since its sulfur components play an antiasthmatic and antiinflammatory action.

* Helps to lose weight and is used in the control of overweight:
The onion is ideal to include in any diet to lose weight by low caloric value, its high fiber content improves intestinal transit, its cleanser effect that helps to eliminate toxins and avoid withholding líquids. The onion brings satiety after consumption.

* Recommended for pregnant women and children:
Onion is a food to be considered in feeding children and pregnant women due to its content of folates essential for growth and proper development of the fetus in the early weeks of gestation.

* Powerful antioxidant:
The content of vitamin A, C , the sulfur compounds and the large number of flavonoids such as anthocyanins and quercetin make to the Onion a potent antioxidant.

External use

Hair Lotion:
The sulfur content in the white onion helps remove dandruff and helps conserve the hair.

On the hair:

For hair to grow quickly and make it look shiny and healthy. Just chop an onion into several portions and put in the shampoo bottle.

Let stand for about 15 days and then apply it with each washing. Do not worry if  you have wet hair and smells like to the onions since the smell disappears when it dries.

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