Friday, January 17, 2014

Lemon Verbena Benefits For Health

Shrub up to 2m high, with many branches, with many rooting shoots and branches with some creeping basal adventitious roots at the nodes, then with ascending branches and  arching branches eventually climber supporters.

Lemon verbena uses:
In gardening, can be used to form hedgerows, leaves in decoction are carminative and improve gastrointestinal function, are also sudorific.

They are used as a sedative and nerve tonic with spearmint and eucalyptus against colds, coughs and asthma. Also used for diabetes, disinfectant in baths, is antispasmodic. Contains lipil and tannic acid.

* Helps to prevent that wounds becoming infected

* It is effective for treating insomnia

* Helps to lose weight

* Helps to treat migraines and headaches

* Helps to control rheumatic pains

* For symptoms of stress

* Helps to control allergic reactions

* Reduce inflammation and bloating

* It helps to eliminate toxins from the body

* Helps to treat irritable bowel syndrome

* Help to control pain and stomach cramps

* Helps in digestion and helps in cases of indigestion

* Helps to treat diarrhea in children and adults

* Helps to the  intestinal gas elimination

* Helps control your nerves and anxiety

* Toothaches : rinse with leaves infusion.

* Mild stimulant in nervous diseases, melancholy, hypochondria, spasm pains and stomach, looseness of the bowels, etc. With leaves is produced a liquor that is  used for intermittent fevers.

Other medicinal uses of cedron
* To help stomach : take leaf infusion .

* As a tonic , take leaf infusion .

* Carminativo : leaf infusion .

* Heart : with lemon balm leaves in infusion.

* For insomnia : leaf infusion .

Infusion :
2 teaspoons of stem per cup of boiling water repose them  for 5 minutes and take 3 times a day.

How to use it
* Lemon verbena tea is the most popular form because it tastes nice and very effective.

* There are other products based on the cedrón as soaps, tincture , grass mate with lemon verbena essential oil, among others.

* The lemon verbena has the advantage that can be used internally as well as external condition or symptom that the person has.

* Use in pregnant women is not recommended as it is harmful to the developing baby.

* You can consult a doctor before using this plant if  have many doubts to avoid adverse effects.

Precautions .
Not recommended for hypersensitive patients with depressive state or too nervous.

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