Friday, January 17, 2014

The Beet And Its Anti-Aging Secrets

Beet benefits and properties

The beet belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae. Develops a root thick, fleshy , usually red and variably rich in vitamin C. Its leaves are juicy and rich in vitamin A.


Beets are rich in folate. The folate acid and folic acid prevent birth defects and neural tube helps against heart disease and anemia.

It's high in fiber, soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber helps maintain intestinal movement working well, while soluble fiber keeps the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol controlled.

 It is a food low in calories and carbohydrates are the most abundant component,which turns it into one of the richest vegetable in sugars.

It is an excellent source of fiber, ideal for satiety and intestinal transit. Furthermore, folates have the presence guaranteed, as well as several vitamins of group B.

Due to its low calorific value, can be consumed as an ingredient in salads and used in weight control diets. Keep in mind the consumption ration and flavoring. It is very rich in fiber which provides a feeling of satiety, which limits the use of other higher calorie foods.

Anti-aging properties
It has B vitamins such as B1 , B2 , B3 and B6 , C , E, A. Beetroot contains low in provitamin A and vitamin C.

* Vitamin C, to the skin, the healing of pimples, the restoration of the primary tissue.
* Vitamin E nourishes the cells and stops aging.
* Vitamin A , Retinol carotene and lycopene, protects the skin from radiation, increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents damage caused by sun exposure

For all these properties and characteristics of beet, our skin can stay young although the years pass.

To consume raw beets, to grate and served with a little oil and lemon, but are more digestible if they are cooked. For cooking , you have tointroduce them in boiling salted water without having previously without peeled because otherwise lose some of its color and flavor.

Should be boiled for at least one hour, depending on the size that present, but not more than two. Once cooked we can remove the skin easily and can be served as a vegetable dish.

A month of using this blessing of nature will see the results as a blood purifier , decreasing acne marks, detoxification and eliminating impurities from the deepest layer of the skin.

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