Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cinnamon Properties And Its Benefits


Special for diabetes and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.Results that consumption of this condiment can effectively reverse the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

And for people with those "small wheels" around the waist, is a true sign of metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance ( prediabetes think ) , this species can do miracles for them.

The dried aromatic inner bark of certain tropical Asian trees helps to reduce sugar levels in the blood. It even has the ability to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. And new researchs has found that this popular species improves the function of insulin in type 2 diabetics.

A recent study by the Centre for Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville , Maryland published a pioneering study of this species in the journal " Diabetes
Care " . Lead researcher Richard Anderson, said that this could be the most important nutritional research in decades .

In the study by Dr. Anderson 30 people with type 2 diabetes had up to six grams of cinnamon daily. A gram is a little less than a quarter teaspoon.

 Six grams is a teaspoon and a half. All of them reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Specifically :
Their level of glucose in fasting medium was reduced from 18% to 29%. their triglycerides fell from 25 % to 30 %. Their LDL ( bad cholesterol) decreased from 7% to27 %.

Their total cholesterol decreased from 12 % to 26 %. Between more cinnamon took more risk factors were reduced. The searching for a natural way to keep blood sugar levels in normal blood began more than a decade ago, when Richard Anderson and his colleagues at the Center for Human Nutrition Research examined plants and species used in herbal medicine.

They found that certain species, particularly cinnamon, made that fat cells respond much more to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar metabolism and thus controls the level of glucose in the blood.

Is not hard to find ways to enjoy cinnamon, while cuts cholesterol and triglycerides levels. You can add cinnamon to hot apple cider. It is an ingredient in Chai tea. Cinnamon is delicious sprinkled on apple slices or pear and revolt in the applesauce. Add it to the mixture of pancakes and French toast. And to give a double blow to cholesterol, mix a generous amount when cooking your oatmeal .

The Ground cinnamon is widely used in desserts, pastries, sweets, etc, and whole is used to decorate and season some dishes. Used in cinnamon tea, which is to put some cinnamon sticks to boil in water until obtain the infusion, adding honey to taste.

Chemical composition
Its aroma is due to aromatic essential oil  that constitutes 0.5-2.5 % of itscomposition. The major component is cinnamic aldehyde, also eugenol and cinnamic alcohol.

With less proportion found the trans - cinnamic acid, hydroxycinnamic aldehyde or aldehyde -methoxycinnamate, ethyl cinnamic acid ,terpenes ( linalool, diterpene ), tannins , mucilage,oligomeric proanthocyanidins, carbohydrates and traces of coumarin.

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