Thursday, January 9, 2014

Honey Its Healing And Therapeutic Properties-1

Honey Its Healing Properties

Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers or from secretions of living parts of plants or excretions of plant sucking insects.

The bees collect it, transform and combine with the enzyme invertase that containing saliva of bees and stored in the honeycombs where it matures.

Also honey is a secretion that was previously consumed by them.

The technique involves extracting honey from the honeycombs is known as beekeeping.

The physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of honey are determined by the type of nectar that bees collect.

The botanical origin of honey also defines the degree of ease of these to crystallize. Honey has its recognized qualities and is used by humans since ancient times for food and naturally sweeten, with sweeten power twice that cane sugar.

There are several historical references to it. Many other civilizations, like the ancient Egyptians or the Greeks, for example, referred to honey as a sacred product, coming to serve as a way to pay taxes.

In Egyptian excavations over 2000 years were found perfectly preserved honey samples in slightly clogged vessels. There are also historical records in prehistoric cave paintings about the use of honey.

They are known several varieties of honey depend on the flower used as a source of nectar and the type of bee that produced it, but because the bees manufacture it in quantity about three times higher than they need to survive, it was always possible, first, collect the excess for the human being and later performed the domestication of bees for the specific purpose of getting their honey, technique known as beekeeping.

Honey is primarily used in cooking and baking, to accompany the bread or toast (especially for breakfast and snacks ) and as an additive to various beverages such as tea.

Being rich in sugars such as fructose, honey is hygroscopic ( absorbs moisture from the air), so that adding a small amount of it in breads and cakes makes them harden more slowly.

The virgin honey also contains enzymes that help its digestion , and various vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore usually is recommended the oney consumption at temperatures not exceeding 60 ° C , because at higher temperature starts losing beneficial properties to volatilize some of these elements.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |

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