Thursday, January 9, 2014

Honey Its Healing And Therapeutic Properties-2

Honey has many therapeutic properties. It can be used externally due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. So, honey helps heal wounds and prevent infections or superficial burns.

It is also used in cosmetics (creams , masks facial cleansers, toners, etc.) due to its astringent and soothing qualities.

Honey is also used in traditional medicine. It is an excellent natural preservative. Due to its simple sugars, for rapid uptake, honey's high calorie ( about 3.4 kcal / g ) , so that it is useful as an energy source.

Honey does not spoil, it is highly durable, does not expire.

Thanks to its high sugar concentration, it kills bacteria by osmotic lysis.

Airborne yeasts can not thrive in honey because the low moisture content.

The shipments of human bodies in antiquity were immersed in honey , such Alexander the Great was moved from Babylon to Alexandria in Egypt in 323. C. and Agesilaus II , King of Sparta, from Egypt to his native city in 360 BC. C., using honey to prevent decomposition.

The honey preservative effect is due to its low water concenration and is identical to that required for the prolonged preservation of sweets and fruits in syrup where the high sugar content decreases the water content.

Bees also add an enzyme called glucose oxidase. When honey is applied to a wound, this enzyme causes the local release of hydrogen peroxide.


Honey ( like other sweeteners ) can also be extremely dangerous for babies. This is because when mixed with no acidic digestive juices of child, it is ideal for the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores, which produce toxins. The botulism spores are of the few bacteria that can survive in honey, but are also widely present in the environment.

Although these spores are harmless to adults, because of their heartburn, thedigestive system of young children is not developed enough to destroy them, so that the spores can potentially cause infant botulism. For this reason it is advisable not feed with honey or other sweetener to the children under 12 months.

Humidity is an essential component for conservation of honey. While the moisture percent remains below 18 % nothing will grow in it. Above this value may appear fermentation processes.

The mineral content is very small. The most common are calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and potassium. Also present about half of the existing amino acids, organic acids ( acetic acid, citric acid , etc.), and vitamin B complex, vitamin C, D and E. Honey also has a considerable variety of antioxidants (flavonoids and phenolic ).

 Part    |    1   |   2   |

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