Thursday, January 9, 2014

Honey And Cinnamon Curative Properties-1

Cinnamon And Honey

Cinnamon and honey are the only food substances on the planet that does not lost or rot. Although its content can be converted into sugars , anyway honey is always honey.

If honey is left for long periods of time in a dark place will crystallize . When this happens open the cover and with the heat of boiling water, let it melt. Honey will be as good as when was new. Never boil honey or put it in the microwave, so the enzymes are killed. Cinnamon and honey can cure many diseases.

Honey is produced in most countries. The science accept honey as a very effective means to treat diseases. Honey can be used without give side effects and taken in the right dosage, even sweet, does not affect diabetics.

Weekly World News. A magazine in Canada ( 17.01.1995 ) produced a list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon:

* Heart Disease
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon, apply on bread every morning,instead of jam and eat it regularly as part of breakfast. This will reduce the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack.

Additionally, those who have already had a heart attack, if follow this process, will be protected from suffering a heart attack once again. Regular use of these substances helps retain healthy breath and strengthen the muscle and the rhythmic motion of the heart.

In United States and Canada, various nursing homes have cured patients very successfully whose veins have lost flexibility and have covered. Honey and cinnamon revitalize them.

* Arthritis

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and evening a cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured.

Recent researchs by the University of Copenhagen showed that doctors who treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon of Honey and half teaspoon of cinnamon before breakfast, corroborated that in a week, of 200 patients, 73 no longer felt pain and at month, almost all patients who could not walk or move  for the pains, were moving without feeling pain.

* Gas

Studies made in India and Japan revealed that honey and cinnamon reduce gas in the digestive system.

* Immune System

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viruses. Scientists have found in honey various vitamins and iron in large amounts.

Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood cells and protects against disease.

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