Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Discover Heliotherapy The Sun As Medicine

Heliotherapy : The Sun As Medicine

While it is true that sun exposure is the main cause of skin cancer, it is due that we are exposed to the sun completely irrational. Really the controlled sun exposure for therapeutic purposes is a healthy and natural medicine.

First, we should dispense from sunscreen creams, unless the area in which we live has an extremely weakened ozone layer, which occurs most likely near the poles. Sunscreens inhibit that the beneficial  sun action penetrate the body.

We suggest sometimes rub skin that has been exposed to the sun with olive oil ( cold pressed, naturally) to get the antioxidant effects of it. This is really recommended if there has been a sun overexposure with the risk that entails.

In any case, we should start by sunbathing a few minutes the first day, ncreasing the time as the pigmentation goes evidenced in the skin.

Will never take a solar bath that is beyond the reaction´s capacity of the organism, so if we start from a very white skin, we will have extreme precautions while if we have highly pigmented skin, can expose to the sun longer. Solar bathroom should be general, to the naked body, and throughout the year, taking advantage of every sunny day.

Will applies first tending us back and then face down, so that the entire skin becomes bathed by rays. If we live in a cold area, we can apply at home through an open window, for example. Never take the sun bath through a glass because part of the beneficial rays would be filtered mainly ultraviolet rays.

In case of have cold due the windows open, we will make the solar bath during exercise . If even so the cold persists, it is better to dispense with the solar bath because it would be more harmful than beneficial.

The slight reddening of the skin after bath, show the effectiveness of the application and allow us to increase the duration, since the skin will be taking a darker tone every time.

After sunbathing in which we have accumulated heat, we must apply cold water on the body to reactivate and strengthen it. We delve into it later when we discuss about hydrotherapy.

As for the length of the solar bathroom, each person must find out how long should be to the sun exposure, acting with caution and how much that time can be increased daily. In this way we will have a vitalized body to fight cancer.

Heart patients should take short baths if they have feeling heat. If the air is cool and not heat come to pass, they can prolong it.

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