Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Relationship Between Sun And Melatonin-2

Melatonin And Light

It was found that most of these symptoms is due the endocrine disarray that occurs, especially in relation to melatonin. The controlled application of oral melatonin has proven be effective against the symptoms of jet- lag. But not only this type of endocrine disorders occur when we travel.

Any abnormal activity in the sleep process will result in a reduction more or less important in the secretion of melatonin : shift changes,night work,stay awake all or most of the night, etc.

But what is the effect of melatonin in the body? Between what has been discovered about this hormone, we highlight its antidepressant effects. If we consider that the amount of melatonin secreted at night depends to a large extent on the amount of sunlight that is enjoyed during the day, easily deduce that less sunlight, more depression.

The results of the additional ingestion of melatonin seem to reinforce this conclusion. It is a proven fact that in countries with less sunny days the suicide rate is higher. Melatonin also helps mental capacity and concentration.

We can  see the importance of the visible spectrum of sunlight, since the best melatonin that may have the body  it is always the same that itself canmanufacture, and not that to come externally via capsules or tablets.

Melatonin also has anti-stress properties. It has also been found  that whom are exposed to magnetic fields are more protected from the negative effects  if their melatonin rate is high.

Pineal gland and melatonin
Dr. Maestroni gave melatonin every night to middle-aged mice, which lived an average of 20% more than mice that were not given the hormone, which seems to conclude that a deficiency in production can shorten the life.

This discovery may be closely related to the fact that melatonin has great antioxidant properties, being of vital importance in the treatment and prevention of cancer and other diseases: to night the pineal gland clean the body of free radicals. It has been shown in subsequent studies that plays a vital role in the fight against cancer, especially breast cancer.

For everything stated here, we can see that the sun is a therapeutic element of the first order: strengthens the entire body, enhances natural defenses, cleaned and sanitize, cheer up, etc. Let's see how its rays can be used in moderation.

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