Thursday, January 30, 2014

Foods That Help Eliminate Body Ffluids

Detoxify your body

Food is a very important factor in order to alleviate some disorders such as in the case of fluid retention, as there are several foods that can exacerbate this complication.

Some fresh fruits and vegetables will give to the body the ability to reduce toxins in the organism and also help the liver to metabolize fats better.

Increase your metabolism
Among some recommended foods can highlight the artichokes or artichokes, these stimulate liver activity by promoting metabolism, contain high levels of fiber, and fights constipation especially one that is bound by specific cases of cellulitis.

It is important to incorporate to the daily diet fresh fruit, in this case include apples, these reduce the cholesterol and also combat obesity.

Cabbage is a great vegetable that acts as protector of veins and capillaries,combat poor circulation and is detoxifier, it is recommended to consume it raw to maximize its properties.

Other important vegetables include chicory, this cleans the liver and purifies the blood, and functions as a potent antioxidant for the body.

And spinach is a good source of fiber, this generates satiety, helps blood circulation and prevents undesirable cellulite. It should be noted as positive consumption of Green Tea, invigorates and stimulates the production of adrenaline, and limits the absorption of calories.

Among other important food is the Parsley,very recommended, this is one of the best blood purifying.
The Parsley is very good when it is consumed raw, minced in meats and salads, as it promotes blood circulation and its high content of vitamin C acts as a very good antioxidant and as a detoxifier.

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