Thursday, January 30, 2014

Diet, Weight Loss And Physical Activity

Physical activity and diet

Physical activity is an important tool for the Doctor who advises and for anyone who wants to reduce the body weight.

It has been shown by various investigations, that doing exercise at low or moderate intensity, consume a greater proportion of fat and is better for weight and body composition, preserving or increasing slightly the lean mass or muscular.

Only with the exercise is expected a  very slow weight loss rate, this does not mean that people who want to control their weight should stop exercising , what this means is that simply reducing caloric intake can cause weight loss body much more than exercise, but will be much more effective if we combine the two ,diet and exercise, as demonstrated by several studies.

People the more exercise, will  be in better physical shape and better physical exercise capacity is more effective for burning calories.

The exercise helps to maintain better compliance and nutritional treatment according to several studies, individuals that better able to maintain the weight lost in the long run, they had incorporated regular exercise to their lifestyles.

It is also shown that, after exercise, fat metabolism is increased so that once the session is complete, the body tends to burn more calories, preferably from body fat, even in rest.

The exercise can help to alter the body weight, its composition and basal metabolism, but can also positively affect our health, increasing self-esteem and motivation, reducing anxiety , depression and stress.

Type of physical activity to weight loss
 Is called aerobic exercise the activity whose realization demands continuous oxygen to the body so that the muscle use as fuel mainly our fat reserves.

Aerobic exercises are those dynamic exercises that involve large muscle groups with a long period of work and a moderate intensity.

Exercise and physical activity
There is no perfect exercise to prescribe it to the general population but for this task it is necessary to make a choice based on personal preferences and the availability of means. Some examples are walking, brisk walking , aerobics, cycling, skiing, swimming, dancing.

Frequency of physical activity

The general guidelines for aerobic exercise, is to work with a frequency of 3-5 days per week for 15-60 minutes per session, at an intensity appropriate work to individual capabilities.It is also commonly accepted 150 minutes per week or 30 minutes per day.

In the progression of the program, it should be noted that before increasing exercise intensity, should be increased the duration, which is appropriate for the stage of initiation does not exceed 12-15 minutes per session.

Aerobic exercise intensity
The intensity of aerobic exercise is usually measured relating to the maximum volume of oxygen consumed by the body, as this measure is difficult to establish, is much more common measure such intensity from the number of heartbeats per minute.

 It is generally accepted that the maximum number of beats per minute that supports a healthy heart is about " 220 - age ".

Consider a mild to moderate aerobic exercise performed with an average of between 60% -75 % of maximum heart rate. Any exercise that involving pulse rate above 85 % does not burn fat, but the carbohydrates reserves that are very limited, and is considered anaerobic exercise.

For the prescription of exercise be appropriate, it is advisable to get a medical evaluation beforehand to provide us with data on situations that may pose a risk during the practice exercise.

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