Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Healthy Remedies With Lemongrass

Lemongrass properties and benefits

This plant is native to Sri Lanka and the Seychelles islands, enough is known in some countries, thanks to the growing popularity of Thai and Indian cuisines, which a fresh Lemongrass brings them  a particular aroma.

Lemongrass is an herb with multiple elongated and thin green leaves, that when drying become somewhat reddish. It has a very pleasant characteristic flavor very similar  to soft lemon. Also is used in the manufacture of confectionery, liquors and perfumes.

Properties of lemongrass:

* The oils extracted from lemongrass have a very good effect as an alternative therapy to eradicate Bactria elicobacter pylori.

* Prevents tooth decay: Rubbing the lemongrass leaves in the teeth

* From lemongrass is obtained the essential oil called Citronella.

* It is digestive, ideal for good  digestion.

* In infusion is used as a special aromatic tonic for fever.

* It is an excellent antiseptic, digestive and circulatory tonic.

Uses in Traditional Medicine : An infusion of the leaves is used as stomachic , diaphoretic ,digestive, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic, hypotensive, broncholytic , insect repellent, hypoglycemic, antipyretic and relieve colds including bronchial catarrh, difficult digestion, weak stomach, intestinal laziness, flatulence, flu, neuralgia, influenza, malaria , asthma and rheumatism.

Lemongrass tea recipe
Put 4 cups of water in a pot to boil.
Add 10-12 pieces of lemongrass.
Boil the leaves and  water for 10 minutes over medium heat.
Lemongrass tea is good hot or cold to take it in the morning or at night.

Special Remedies lemongrass

To improve circulation
Mix 3 lavender , 3 drops of rosemary essential oil and 2 drops of lemongrass in 4 teaspoons of olive oil. To massage the affected areas.

For muscle aches
Mix 5 drops cardamom , 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil and 3 drops rosemary 20 ml of olive oil. Do massage the affected areas.

To reduce fever
One tablespoon of lemon grass leaves in 1 cup water , bring to boil . Cover and let cool . Take 1 cup every half hour until the temperature begins to drop.

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