Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lemon Its Important Essentiall Properties For Health

Lemon: another benefits for health

Feet: A good way to relax your tired and swollen feet is perform  massages with a good foot cream in which has been dissolved a little lemon juice.

One good way to regenerate the nails, making them stronger, is performing bathrooms lemon juice for a few minutes each day to the get up and before going to bed.

Wrinkles: Lemon, by its richness in vitamin E, is a good antioxidant. We can make a preparation may be based on lemon and a sprig of parsley to remove wrinkles.

Let stand a lemon slice and a sprig of parsley in a glass of water overnight. The next morning wet your face with this mixture until dry naturally.

Another interesting preparation is to mix a few drops of lemon with a tablespoon of warm honey and other of yogurt. Stir well and apply a cream on the face for 3 /4 hour . Then wash your face well.

Yellow spots of snuff: Well suited to clean the yellow stains of nicotine snuff  in the nails. Squeeze a lemon, add a few drops of juice in a cup with powdered sugar.Scrub your fingernails with this mixture. Very suitable to give consistency to the nails when they are fragile or brittle. Mix lemon juice with 50% iodine and wet ails several times a day until they have strengthened.

Chilblains: As good astringent, promotes healing of chilblains and prevents infection.Rub a lemon on the affected area.

Tonsillitis and otitis : With the emergence of tonsillitis or sore throat , it may be useful make gargles with juice. Similarly, we can use lemon juice applied with cotton soaked inside the ear when we feel pain in this area.

Rheumatism : To relieve joint pain caused by rheumatic diseases is possible friction with the essential oil in the affected areas.

Vaginal itch and scrotum : Becaus its antiseptic properties, the lemon juice can be used to combat the itching of the genital tract, especially one that focuses on the vagina and the scrotum. Wash affected area with lemon juice.

Benefits of taking lemon juice fasting :

* Helps in weight Loss
* Strengthens the immune system and prevent colds and flus
* Detoxification of the liver and helps the functioning of the gallbladder
* Improves digestion
* Keeps healthy skin

Other Uses
In the kitchen lemon is used to decorate and flavor many dishes. This is commonly used with fish and salads.

Appears in addition to many cocktails which gives them its flavor and digestive properties. It is special as the first component in the manufacture of lemonade drink; highly recommended whenever be natural and preferably homemade, to remove the thirst and for all its medicinal properties for health.

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