Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lemon A Fruit With Multiple Properties That Can Not Miss

Lemon its multiple properties for health

To combat these ailments is very useful the lemon diet cure, which involves taking the lemon juice diluted in water. Increase the dose gradually, adding a lemon daily up to 11 or 12. Reverse the process to get back to a daily lemon.

Respiratory System: The respiratory conditions, the essential oil components provide very useful antibacterial and expectorant properties in healing of colds and flus. The alpha pinene is also a major anti flu, so it is very appropriate to take lemon juice in the presence of this disease.

Lemon juice is also very useful to quench thirst and remove the fever when there is a fever or when the temperature is very high.

Circulatory system: In addition to being a good heart tonic, prevent angina, helps in blood circulation, prevents cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, combat atherosclerosis and stimulates the formation of red blood cells and is very suitable in the treatment of anemia.

Diuretic: By stimulating amount of caffeine or the same ascorbic acid, can be used as a diuretic in the treatment of obesity, to increase urination, removing body fluid.

Impotence: Increases sexual power, is very useful in cases of impotence. Take lemon juice at will.

Insomnia:  Juice lemon combined with a couple of tablespoons of honey mixed in warm water before going to bed helps to sleep.

Anticancer: The main components of the essential oil , mentioned above , have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties, preventing the formation of cancer cells and helping to not occur metastases in the event that the disease has already developed.
Lemon juice is recognized as a good antioxidant and alkalizing, so it helps torestore cellular balance.

External use
Halitosis, and tooth decay : Its antibacterial properties is adequate to eliminate bad breath and protect the mouth against infections that produce gums inflammation. Equally is useful in the treatment of mouth sores.

For its antiseptic properties, the lemon juice can be used to combat bacterial infections caused by irritation in the throat, making gargling with lemon juice.

Nail fungus: For its antibacterial properties it is appropriate to remove fungus from fingernails or toenails. Dip your nails with lemon juice, letting it dries out gradually.

Skin: Lemon juice is well suited to combat skin impurities, forming one of the best astringents. A pair of daily applications over the facial acne.A couple of daily applications over the pimples, blackheads,blemishes, etc. . helps to the disappearance of these.

Similarly the alpha terpineol and ascorbic acid fruit are very recognized very suitable in healing of sores or wounds or insect bites. In addition, we can use the essence diluted in water to produce the same effect.

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