Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lemon A Fruit Essentially Medicinal That Can Not Miss

Lemon health benefits

Common Name: Lemon
Scientific name: Citrus Limonum.
Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated for its fruits and as a garden tree in warm areas near the Mediterranean sea. Probably derives from the species Citrus medica L , native from India.

Evergreen tree of the family Rutaceae. Toothed, lanceolate or elliptical leaves, finished in tip. Flowers with white petals with pink inside and ends. The fruit is a hesperidium to 12.5 cm, thick crust and a strong yellow when is fully ripe.

Active constituents.

The main components are :

* Flavonoids.

* Acid : Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ), citric , caffeic.

* Essential oil: rich in Isopulegol aalfa bergamoteneo, alpha pinene, alpha- terpinene, alpha tujeno, beta bisabolene, beta bergamotene, beta phellandrene, citral, limonene and sabinene, ( in fruit , mainly California Lemons ).

* Caffeine

* Pectin

* Minerals: potassium and calcium.

Lemon juice food composition.
For 100 gr  Lemon we have:

* Water 91 gr

* Protein 0.38 gr

* Calories 24 kcal

* Fiber 0.5 g

* Potassium 124 mg

* Calcium 7 mg

* Phosphorus 6 mg

* Magnesium 6 mg

* Vitamin C 46 mg

Medicinal properties:
Gastrointestinal :In cases of intestines too prone to excessive defecation, it helps to stop diarrhea. at the same time has anti - ulcer properties that help to eliminating the gastric acidity.

Very suitable in hepatic failure, stimulate the liver.Take lemon juice at will. For poor digestion we can prepare bark maceration with alcohol 80 ° and take about 5 gr. daily.

Antiscorbutic and Nutritional : - Very high in vitamin C , so it has great antiscorbutic properties and mineralizing, being very rich in potassium and calcium.

Its ability to regenerate white blood cells makes it very suitable to enhance the body's defenses, preventing many diseases.

Antimigraine: When blood  constrict the pericranial vessels, the caffeine, besides being stimulant, relieves headaches, proving particularly useful in cases of migraine.

This component has in tea most higher proportion,appears in smaller proportions in the leaves of other plants such as cocoa, cola , coffee and in the flowers of some citrus and orange or lemon.

Depurative : Ascorbic acid and limonene conferred cleansing properties , making it an excellent remedy for rheumatism, arthritis, gout,cholesterol , atherosclerosis and uric acid. It is a fruit with urine alkalizing properties making it ideal for preventing the formation of kidney stones.

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