Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lettuce Its Nutritional Properties For Health

Lettuce nutritional values and properties

• Respiratory system:  lettuce leaves decoctions are interesting for the affections of the respiratory system, helping to fight asthma attacks and bronchial spasms.

If left glean plant can exploit the flower stems to the same decoctions with properties more outstanding  that the leaves.

To combat cough, can be made a syrup by cooking 150g of  fresh leaves and  boil for a quarter of an hour. The resulting mixture is added a cup of sugar. It is stored in a closed jar to take hot a couple of glasses on the day.

We can also make a decoction of leaves in water and add the  lemon juice. We drink a couple of glasses a day, one before going to bed.

• Female genital tract: in cases of dysmenorrhea, to promote menstruation, avoiding pain or very long periods, can be performed an infusion  for half an hour of 100 g of fresh leaves per liter of water and drink 2or 3 cups a day.

Properties for external use:
• Analgesic: External use has emollient properties which can be used to alleviate the pain caused by bumps, sprains, strains,bruises, etc.

• Eye drops: Can be used as eye drops to treat conjunctivitis,bleary,rheum, tired eyes etc. For this we must boil for 6 minutes 50 gr of leaves in a pint of water with a few drops of oil, let cool and with gauze, we get wet the sore eyes.

• Natural Deodorant : To prevent foot and underarm odor, the lettuce juice, like radish, constitutes in one of the best  naturaldeodorants. Extract the juice of lettuce and we will keep in the fridge.After bathing, get wet feet or armpits with some juice.

Lettuce is a food that should not miss in our tables usually. In addition to the above properties, we must consider that its low content in fat and carbohydrates and high content in water, which gives it a caloric power of only 13 kcal per 100 g . It is very suitable and recommended for diets.

Its richness in minerals, especially potassium, which is very necessary for maintain an adequate level of fluid in the body, along with calcium and phosphorus makes it particularly suitable for correct welfare bones.

It also presents a series of not very common trace elements within the vegetable world, such as selenium, an antioxidant that plays a fundamental role in preventing certain types of cancers, such as colon, prostate or lungs. It also prevents premature aging and even helpsfight dandruff.

It contains many amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins,some, such as alanine, sometimes necessary for the construction of the muscular tissue and nervous, others, such as glycine, to the proper functioning of immune system.

 It has vitamins C and E, but above all it is very rich in beta carotene, which the liver turns into vitamin A. It is convenient to eat fresh, so for not lose its nutritional and medicinal properties. We have to account that the inner leaves, although they may be more palatable, have fewer components than the outer leaves of stronger green.

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