Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lettuce Its Nutritional And Medicinal Values

Lettuce properties and benefits

The origin center of lettuce is located in the Mediterranean basin.The first certain indications of lettuce existence dating from about 4,500 BC in engravings from Egyptian tombs  are represented, similar to that known today as asparagus lettuce types.

It was also known and used by the ancient Persians, Greeks and Romans, who even developed the technique of whitening.

The parts in that consists lettuce are:
Root: the root, which never comes to exceed 25 cm. depth, is pivotal , and short branches.
Leaves: The leaves are arranged in rosettes, deployed at first, and in some cases continue throughout their development. The edge of the limbs can be smooth, wavy or serrated.

Stem: is cylindrical and branched. Inflorescence: Are yellow flower heads that are arranged in clusters.

Seeds: are provided with a feathery pappus.

Nutritional Value
Lettuce is a food that provides very few calories, high water content (90-95 % ), vitamins, minerals like potassium and magnesium along with fiber required for intestinal function.

The outer leaves of darker color are the more nutritious than the whitish inside. Romaine lettuce grown in the open air is richer in vitamins.
Raw is the best way to enjoy its freshness, palatability and nutritional value.
The toughest leaves can be cooked like any other vegetable.

Medicinal Properties
• Diuretic: Stimulates urination, so it is appropriate in those cases where it is necessary to stimulate the kidneys to increase urine output, in diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, dropsy ( fluid accumulation in the body with swelling of tissues), edema, kidney pain, kidney stones, kidneyfailure, inflammation of the urinary bladder or cystitis,etc.

Also is used as a support in diets that helping to lower blood sugar, by removing corporal liquids.Decoction 50% of lettuce leaves for 10 minutes. Take a couple of glasses a day.

• Gastrointestinal : Lettuce has carminative properties, freeing to the body of the annoying flatulence avoiding the feeling of fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Drink the liquid prior decoction.The same preparation is stomachicand helps facilitate digestion and protect the stomach relieving it of intestinal inflammation.

• Circulatory system: Improves circulation, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces cholesterol.

• Sedative: Lettuce has a calming effect. It helps to calm the nerves, control palpitations and sleep better at night, preventing insomnia.It is advisable take a good lettuce salad with olive oil before going to bed.

This property is increased if we take a 50% decoction of  lettuce leaves and we take a couple of glasses a day, morning and before go to bed.
The components that give this property is the lactucin, one of the main components of lettuce juice.

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