Friday, January 3, 2014

Sun And Air's Therapeutic Benefits-1

Sun And Air Benefits For Health

Sun and air
The incident sunlight in our body burden us with energy, as if we were solar panels.

The sun gives energy and provides numerous chemical reactions in the skin, such as the formation of vitamin D. These chemical actions are primarily due to ultraviolet spectrum, also called actinic rays.

These ultraviolet rays also have a strong antibacterial and disinfectant power , so that a rational application on wounds, infections or infectious disease is very beneficial.

Ultraviolet rays also have the effect of increasing the blood hemoglobin and become more capable of delivering oxygen and capture carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism.

It also increases the bactericidal and disinfectant action on the blood, mainly through an increase in the number and activity of leukocytes. The sun's rays down the blood pressure if it is excessive, normalize metabolism, favoring the toxic eliminations, etc.

Besides the numerous beneficial effects on the blood and immune system, sunlight produces a considerable effect on the nervous system, increasing mental capacity.

The body produces, to protect against ultraviolet rays a substance called melanin, which is a dark pigment that accumulates in the skin.

Thus a very pigmented skin (dark) is more resistant and also more receptive to sunlight. The less pigmented skin is more dangerous is overexposure to these rays, and less vital energy of the sun is harnessed.

Therefore, therapeutic baths sun will be short initially, and their duration will increase as you gain skin pigmentation.

Thus, the organism is increasingly protected against the possible harmful effects of the sun, and the healing effects are increasingly exploited.

Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

We can see the ninth section of this book in this link

 Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal

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