Friday, January 3, 2014

Dr. Hamer's Method For Treating Cancer

Cancer Therapy

Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer could verify through personal experience  that cancer is closely linked to psychology. He developed a cancer which was boost by the tragic death of his son Dirk.

Dr. Hamer developed a hypothesis whose practice helped him heal from his own illness. Subsequently this hypothesis was verified in thousands of patients (more than 11,000).

This hypothesis was formulated as follows:

* All cancer is initiated by what Dr. Hamer called a Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS ) , ie , a brutal shock, an acute and dramatic conflict that the person lives in isolation and can not digest.

* The way in which the patient experiences this shock determines, on the one hand , the so-called Hamer Focus, ie what specific area of the brain suffers a rupture field under the influence of psychic shock, on the other hand this focus begins to give anarchic guidelines to organ cells of dependent organ of the brain area where such focus is installed.

That is to say, depending on the mental state of the patient, the cancer (or indeed any other disease) appear in either organ.

* There is an exact correlation between the development of psychic conflict and cancer, both as cerebral and organic level.

So, if the conflict is complicated by new secondary conflicts (eg, the anguish of knowing that cancer is present ), a new Hamer Focus may appear in the brain, and emerge a new tumor, or metastasis.

Once the psychic conflict disappears, the brain area affected stops giving anarchic orders and resumes its normal work. Cancer stops. The tumoral area from then on, it takes awhile to recover. The brain orders the regeneration of disease organ and tumor is repaired, either through a scar contraction, by reconstruction or expulsion.

Hamer theory achieved extraordinary spread internationally. But rather than delve and investigate more about these discoveries, scientists community have opted to relegate all forgotten. Dr. Hamer Therapy , who has given a large number of cures, It has now fallen into absolute discrediting.

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