Friday, January 3, 2014

Bach Flower For Mental Therapy-2

Bach Flower Essences For Mental Therapy

Will not use the X-rays to examine an arthritic joint, but the patient's personality will be investigated to discover the strength of his mind.

The disease prognosis will no longer depend on physical signs and symptoms, but the patient's ability to correct its defects and harmonize with spiritual life. "

The 38 floral remedies of Bach system allow patients to discover and rectify their mistakes. Thus, being a drug that acts on the mental level, it can heal physical ailments :

" The action of these remedies is based on increasing our vibrations, let us know the channels for receipt of our spiritual self, fill our natures with the virtues we need, and we get rid of the defect that is hurting us."

Thus, there is a distinct floral scent for every negative psychological state ( could call it pathological because producing physical illness ) . Consider , for example, some flower remedies that might be useful in cancer , although other possible causes can be many :

* Agrimony: for hidden suffering states beneath a cheerful appearance. The repression of fear is a major source of cancer and other diseases.

* Aspen: undefined fears, fear of unknown things, death, etc..

* Cherry Plum: For all kinds of chaos, the cancer itself is an uncontrolled cell.

* Crab Apple to cleanse the body and mind from disease processes.

* Gentian depression, discouragement, lack of faith.

* Gorse: states of despair, which is not believed in healing.

* Larch: for lack of self confidence.

* Mimulus: fears of specific things.

* Mustard: severe depression, or no apparent cause.

* Rock Rose: situations where the paralyzing panic prevails.

* Star of Bethlehem: to heal old and new wounds psycho emotionals.

It may be added that Dr. Bach never charged a penny to administer his flower remedies: his work was totally disinterested.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |     |   9   |   10   |

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