Friday, January 3, 2014

Bach Flower For Mental Therapy-1

Bach Flower Essences For Mental Therapy

The therapeutic system of Dr. Edward Bach is a clear example of medicine directed to the mental part.

This therapy, despite the spiritual philosophy that holds, is recognized by WHO since several decades ago.
As for the origin of the disease, said Dr. Bach:

" The organic diseases, such as we know are a result and a final product, they are the last stage of something much deeper. The disease originates above the physical level, closer to the mental plane, and is entirely the result of a conflict between our spiritual self and our mortal self.

To the extent that tthese are in harmony, we enjoyed perfect health but as soon as they come into discord arises what we know as disease.

The disease is purely and exclusively corrective,is not vindictive and cruel but rather the means adopted by our own souls to point out our failures, to avoid more mistakes, to channel us back on the path of truth and Light, which we never must have been  separated.

The disease is actually for our own good, and is beneficial, even if we can avoid it, if we have a good understanding of it, combined with the desire to doing good. "

Ignoring these symptoms, or  soul signs, ie by harmonizing us with our Soul, the health is restored completely. Therefore, all disease is due to a psychological error that our spiritual side wants to amend.

Following with Bach's words: "The doctor will no longer have interest in pathology, or the anatomy pathology, due his/her studies will focus on health.

To the Doctor will not mind, for example, if a respiratory deficiency was caused by the bacillus of tuberculosis, streptococcus or any other organism, but will worry intensely about whether the patient is mistakenly develop its emotional aspect.

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