Friday, January 3, 2014

Mental Therapy The Self-Exploration Of Illness-2

Mental Health Therapy

The attitude to the beings around us also mark the course of our life: an altruistic attitude bring us a lot, while a selfish attitude will bring us to loneliness and disease.

To receive, we must give first. Who does not give, not receive . This is an almost mathematical law. Insofar as one can, it is good to stop and practice daily deep relaxation.

Helped by some soft music ( classical best if , provided no subliminal messages), dim light, incense, comfortable position , eyes closed, etc, we can reach a state of peace important to realize many things.

Relaxation should be physical, mental and emotional. We will not go into it, as there is lot of material of how to relax well. Once in that state of relaxation, we can begin to explore introspectively: why am I sick? How I can remove this cause? whoever professes any religion can make these and similar questions to her/his God.

Who can not,can do it to the heart, your inner strength, etc. This is a job that requires patience, but the answers are coming slowly. as soon as discover the causes of our illness, we can proceed to their elimination. We can ask, for example to God, that remove it. Prayer is important.

It is also useful perform a visualization's practice: being in complete relaxation, try using the imagination to visualize the disease or its cause, and imagine how slowly be destroying, burning, dissolving, etc.. Everyone will have its own method. We can combine this with the request to our God.

It is important to cultivate hope, joy and zest for life. It is very convenient to discard harmful fears. The faith in healing is our most effective medicine. The fact of being convinced that we will heal  accelerate  incredibly the healing process.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

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