Friday, January 3, 2014

Mental Therapy The Self-Exploration Of Illness-1

Mental Health Therapy

As explained above, there are many psycho emotional blockades of which we are more or less nconscious.

Mental sanitation is discover these pathological mechanisms that are nest in our psychology. In other words, we need to perform a self-explorationa, a self-investigation to get  know us really.

The main obstacle that has this search job is the self-deception ,the self- justification to which we are subjected. Nobody likes to admit that is envious;  displease us much  discover that we are possessive about our mate ,we will displease us uncover that we have the self-love very deep.

Therefore the first step is to recognize that we are imperfect and we must  change, that we are the most responsible for our disease.

Let us return our attention towards our interior, and if we discover that we are lazy, proud, fearful, manic, or cruel, let us accept it with joy, as a step toward  healing. If we fool ourselves, we will remain ill.

Often is enough slightly eliminate the self-deception and see us with more objective eyes to realize us of defects and trauma that we had been separated continuously from our attention unconsciously.Seek and deepen in what more hurts us.

Psychological problems that bother us, and clearly perceive without self-examination are those that we need to work more urgent. As you progress in this work of self-exploration we will go deeper into less conscious problems.

It is important, above all, living life in a calm and peaceful manner. Live in the present, without constantly thinking about what happened or what will happen, is a way of saving our energy and report to us a well-being  that hardly gets in the civilized world.

 Part    |    1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |   10   |

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