Friday, January 3, 2014

Immunostimulants Depurative Plants And Other Anticancer Products

Medicinal Herbs,Immunostimulants And Healing Plants

There are plenty of medicinal herbs with cleansing actions stimulating the immune system. We will cite only one example, but we must keep in mind that there are many more.

Any remedy to cleanse the body and reinvigorate internal defenses is acting against malignant potential (or benign).

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis)

Is an excellent example of purifying plant: slightly laxative, diuretic, choleretic (stimulates bile production in the liver), cholagogue (promotes drainage of bile in the gallbladder, etc.).

Its action focuses on the eliminatory organs. You can take the fresh leaves in salads or dried in tea, which can add roots (also dry): 60 grams of plant per liter of water, a cup before each meal.

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea, etc.)

Is a typical example of anticarcinogenic and defenses stimulator plant.Detoxifies the liver, kills cancer cells and increases resistance dramatically, because it increases the production and activity of antibodies and leukocytes.

It has a light antibiotic and antiviral action, that, if is necessary can boost  extraordinarily  combined with bee propolis.

We can ingest decoction: until 50 grams of crushed root per liter of water, which will be taken from 3 to 5 cups a day.

There are other natural preparations that can help in the cancer  treatment. We can cite a few:

* Selenium is a powerful antioxidant

* Superoxide dismutase (SOD ):  antioxidant enzyme.

* Coenzyme Q -10 : a part of its antioxidant power, improves cellular oxygenation and boosts the immune system.

* Melatonin: powerful antioxidant and antidepressant. Ingested before bedtime helps sleep.

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