Friday, January 3, 2014

Mushrooms And Its Anticancer Properties


Exist certain mushrooms very used widely in Eastern countries for their medicinal and culinary properties. By studying them, has been found to possess anti-cancer properties and are a good remedy for this disease.

A part of Tremella fuciformis and Poria cocos, we can highlight the following:

Shitake (Lentinula edodes)
It is one of the most popular mushrooms in Asia, very prized for its excellent flavor. Contains all essential amino acids, in fact it is more richer in amino acids that the same soy. Lowers the cholesterol, is antibiotic and immune system enhancer. Reduce cancer tumors.

It contains many vitamins, and a total of 50 different enzymes, including trypsin and pepsin, both necessary for digestion. Others, such as asparaginase, are particularly helpful in fighting cancer.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum )

It is toning and cellular oxygenator. It has cleansing and hypotensive properties. It has a dual action on the fight against cancer: first weakens and slows the cancer cells progression, on the other hand strengthens the immune system.

It also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, dramatically improving the quality (and quantity ) of life of cancer patients , minimizes the risk of metastasis; washes out the pains caused by disease.

It has proven significantly inhibit the leukemia development in mice. Apparently , the polysaccharides present in this fungus are responsible for their antitumor efficacy.

As an example of the many cases of treatment with reishi, we can cite a man over 70 years old who entered the hospital with a brain tumor of 5 cm. in diameter. Was unconscious.

Two months after starting the application of the fungus ( 6 grams of reishi essence daily ), regained consciousness, although the tumor had not changed its size. Months later, to the surprise of the neurologist, the cancer began to recede. The dose to 3 grams daily was lowered.

Finally, the tumor became reduced to 1 cm. , and the patient was transferred to his home where he continued the reishi intake.

Maitake ( Grifola frondosa)

Its anticancer properties are practically the same as the reishi . As in the preceding case, the action is due also to polysaccharides formed by beta glycans.
It is also a good glucoseregulator, cholesterol , blood pressure and body weight.

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