Friday, January 3, 2014

Unknown Ancient Remedies For Cancer-3

Ancient  Remedies Fighting Cancer Naturally

At the times cold the hojaransín stops growing , which will have very little watering to prevent rot. The main cause of hojaransín mortality in cold areas is the moisture excess.

Should not be watered by sprinkling, because having large leaves, many drops of water on its surface are concentrated, which can produce the magnifying effect if it is hot, or freeze the plant if it is cold.

Water should be applied directly on the ground. If the area is warm enough to keep it moist. If we are in zone or hot weather, we can irrigate it with  more safely.

This plant needs plenty of light, but not always straightforward with what will be best to place it somewhere where have a few hours of direct sun. If this plant continually receive direct sunlight , the leaves are less green and larger ( may exceed two feet ), if  receives direct light or just receives only filtered through a glass, grow more slender and glossy dark green, with smaller leaves.

The leaves are borne in opposite pairs, alternating perpendicularly. It is a plant very vulnerable to pests although as it grows increases its resistance.

Being very leaf fleshy, keeps well once collected, perfectly enduring 30 days in good condition. It is best kept in the refrigerator. Anyway, like all plants, it is best to consume it as soon as possible once it has been cut. Recall once again the importance of the inner attitude of thanks to the plant, it is a living being that gives us invaluable help in a disinterested way.

Regular use of hojaransín is in salad or decoction. In salad you can chop up a sheet (in severe cases ) and mix with salad. Usually on an average daily sheet is sufficient, if it is large.

Regarding the decoction.will be prepared in a pint of water, in which we put 3 tablespoons of  chopped fresh plant, and let boil until we see that it has been cooked. Withdraw the leaf pieces and drink the broth during the day. This decoction will be taken daily.

You can gradually increase the number of scoops, but always in a pint of water. Although unlikely, if we observe some eliminator effect very annoying , it will reduce the dose to increase as soon as the body has been cleaned and stop the crisis.

Another application form is in bathrooms: enough with mixing a hojaransín decoction in the bathtub water.

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